-- SUMMARY -- The File module of Drupal 7 enables you to select only one file at a time which can be very time consuming in case of many files. This module uses the 'multiple' attribute of html5 to overcome this problem and presents a widget called 'Multiple' that can be used with fields of type File. Using this Multiple widget in case of File fields it is possible to select more files at a time, which can be a big time saver. -- REQUIREMENTS -- The core File module. -- INSTRUCTIONS -- 1. Enable the module. 2. Add a 'file' field to a content type and select the widget 'Multiple'. 3. Done -- IMAGE FIELD -- For an image field see Muliupload Imagefield Widget at http://drupal.org/sandbox/czigor/1115368, which depends on this module. -- BROWSERS -- Known browsers to work with: Firefox 3.6, Chromium 10, Opera 11.01. As no version of IE supports the 'multiple' html5 attribute, I'm pretty sure that it does not work with IE. -- CONTACT -- Current maintainer: Czövek András (czigor) - http://drupal.org/user/826222