Tool: Changing Change Management: Adapting Internal and External Culture In Times Of Digital Transformation

The ease with which customers access digital financial services (DFS) can make such implementations appear deceptively simple – with just a click on a mobile phone and a customer will be able to make payments, save money, access credit, and even become insured. Launching a digital channel is not a simple endeavor however. It requires a relevant strategy, the right technology solution, the operational know-how, and a very good understanding of customers.

External aspects include how to introduce the new digital channel to customers and the support they need in transitioning from mainly face-to-face interaction to a more digital one. The guidance presented here is based on evidence from nine financial institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa that the research team followed during a period of four years, 2012-2018, as part of the Partnership for Financial Inclusion initiative by IFC and the Mastercard Foundation.

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